Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

Lee Hudson dinner at Palate Food + Wine

This was a pretty stunning meal. Lee brought a pig down from Napa in a suitcase and the resturant used it as a base to plan the meal around. The night was long, lavish, and the wines and food were excellent. I highly recommend the restaurant.

-Some nameless Bandol Rose that was excellent
-a nameless Lambrusco
-Hudson, Chardonnay, Carneros, 2006
-Hudson, Syrah, Carneros, 2006

-Assorted charchutrie plate
-Potted Pork
-Potted Poulet
-Olives, citrus, thyme + e.v. olive oil
-pickled lemon cucumber
-pickled apricot
-coddled duck egg, shaved summer truffles
-szechuan pig eags on finley lettuce, melon, shallots
-Wild sea bass, tomatoes, stewed octopus
-Lee's Suitcase Pig, whole roasted, yellow + green beans, roasted garlic
-assorted cheeses
-stone fruit crumble + lemon verbena ice cream

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